"Be yourself an example, don't harm others. " Kyabje Mindrolling Ugyen Choephel Rinpoche

Consecration of Retreat Centre statues Lama and retreat master are rolling mantra text for consercration.

They are chanting. Part of the process of consercration to the statue.

Lamas are doing measurement on the statue.

Lamas are doing measurement on the statue.

>>Latest News : 9th June 2013

Painting gold and consecration on the three main Statues for Drubde Ösel Ling Retreat Centre at Mindrolling Monastery

Artist are painting gold to the statues and offer jewel ornaments to the 3 main statues for Drubde Ösel Ling new retreat centre at Mindrolling Monastery, the three statues are known as Buddha Syakyamuni, Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig and Guru Padmasambhava or Guru Rinpoche.



Consecration of Statues

The three statues were consecrated by Retreat Master Dorzin Gyurchoe Rinpoche and a team of Lamas.


Many mantra rolls wrapped with 5 colours cloth were inserted into the statues for consecration.
